September 26th, 2011 | NES | Nintendo DS | PlayStation 2 | Podcasts
Podcast Special: 25 Years of Dragon Quest
A year after our first special, we return with a face-to-face nerdgasm over Enix's supreme RPG franchise.


Last year, we took to the mic and gave you our thoughts on the Phantasy Star Online series. That was pretty cool, since Alex and I don’t get to hang out in the flesh that often, and so we were just like, “well, why not?” One summer later, Alex had a few days to spend in California and hang out at my house, just as I did his in Japan. So once again, we said “well, why not?” Why not go ahead and do another Crunk Games special, this time on another game series that had a recent anniversary — Dragon Quest! And so, Alex sat with me to discuss [almost] the entirety of the series, going game-by-game just as we did with PSO.

For those of you who read issue 2 of my magazine, SCROLL — which was also about the DQ anniversary and if you didn’t read it now’s a great time — a lot of what we talk about will sound like a broken record to you, and there’s a good chance you’re just generally sick of all the Dragon Quest talk since the spring! Well, at least the DQX talk is new, and this is all a lot less formalized.Thrill at Alex’s ridiculous DQ-related childhood stories! Listen to selections from Dragon Quest albums! Cringe at how amused we are with ourselves!

Ten games is a lot of ground to cover; doubly so when you have us jackasses braying on about them. So, despite editing, this show runs two and a half hours. People either love or hate that kind of length, but like our last show, this podcast features chapter skips if you listen on an Apple player, and this time we’ve added more “art” (goofy pictures) for the skips as well, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pick up where you left off. —Ray Barnholt

Just Give Me the Damn File

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Crunk Games Podcast Special: 25 Years of Dragon Quest
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There’s so many damn chapters in the actual file that this list is not as exhaustive.

  1. Opening & Introduction
  2. Dragon Quest I [0:04:40]
  3. Dragon Warrior First Appearance [0:05:40]
  4. Spell of Resurrection [0:06:38]
  5. Nintendo Power [0:08:11]
  6. Manual & Magazine Art [0:12:22]
  7. Alex’s Friend Justin [0:17:11]
  8. “RPG 101” [0:18:24]
  9. DQ I Wrap-Up [0:21:39]
  10. Dragon Quest II [0:26:09]
    . . .
  11. Dragon Quest III [0:35:56]
  12. Dragon Quest IV [0:53:55]
  13. Dragon Quest V [1:06:51]
  14. Dragon Quest VI [1:17:04]
  15. Dragon Quest VII [1:25:33]
  16. Dragon Quest VIII [1:33:20]
  17. Dragon Quest IX [1:46:32]
  18. Dragon Quest X [1:59:46]
  19. Dragon Quest Wii Anniversary Collection [2:30:32]
  20. Ending [2:36:19]

Crunk Games – Podcast Special: 25 Years of Dragon Quest

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